My mom brain issue of last week (among many) was I FORGOT TO BLOG!!! I'm sorry for all the people who lost sleep over it and could not cope
during their long busy week because they didn't get their Friday "SanteSavvy"
blog fix.
For the past 2 weeks my parents-in-law, Nanny
and Poppy, came from Quebec for a visit! They usually take turns staying 3 days at each of their 3 sons houses to visit. This time
around, I offered for Nanny to stay for the month and drive back with us when we go to Quebec for my uncles wedding.
I love having her stay here, she not only helps me with house chores and keeping my
Tasmanian child busy, but she is great company to just sit, have coffee, chocolate and chit-chat with and she is also the BEST
thrift store shopper I know. You need anything? She will find it!!
My challenge for this week was to bottle feed my six month old li'l guy. I needed him to drink from a bottle in case of an emergency or if he needed to be babysat. With
li'l gal I started giving her the bottle at least once or twice a week so she would have the
habit. But this time around I slacked...
Here's a little story that I thought was ADORABLE! I had a bottle of my milk that I was trying to feed to
li'l guy, we all tried feeding it to him, but HE JUST WOULD NOT HAVE IT! My sister-in-law tried, my mother-in-law, my two nieces, Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail! I was getting nervous because I didn't
want to give in and breast feed him until he knew how to drink from the bottle, but I also didn't want to STARVE him. And he was getting hungry!
So to make a long story short, li'l gal tried feeding him all while saying "shh, shh, it's ok, shh, shh" He looked at her AND STARTED DRINKING!!! He drank the whole bottle! I was
sooo excited and impressed! Soooooooo cute!!!
This will always be a good memory for me :)
Unless of course my mom brain kicks in and I forget it in two weeks, haha.
From our 20 large acorn squash I made a delicious soup! And here is how I did it:
I made my own chicken broth from a chicken Jonny boy prepared for eating
purposes. (that's the nicest way I could think of saying it, hehe)
-1 frozen chicken with 1 cup of water(cook in
crock pot until tender, then take all the meat off and store in fridge)
-leave chicken bones in crock pot
-add 1 or 2 onions
-2-4 carrots
-2-4 celery sticks (all veggies cut in huge chunks, break carrots and celery sticks in 2 or 3 with hands and try with the onions for fun if you're bored)
-salt, pepper sprinkled all over.
-cover everything with water
-let stew on low over night
*I love the good fresh smell of chicken broth in the morning when I wake up. (not...)
-2 large acorn squash cut in 2, then gut seeds, then
cut in 4.
-put the 8 pieces of squash on a cookie sheet and
drizzle some olive oil all over it. Put in oven at 350 until you can easily stick a fork into it. 1-2 hours-ish...
- take squash out of oven and let cool
-(use a huge turkey roaster to blend soup)
-take the peel off the squash with a spoon or with your fingers. (this reminded me of the
French youtube videos "tete a claques", "le Willy Waller 2006". I had a
giggle or two.
-put all squash, cooked carrots, onion, and celery into pot
-Use hand blender and mush it all up
-slowly add about half the crock pot of strained chicken broth to the soup until you have the thick smooth consistency you want.
-Add salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste.
-Blend in a block of cream cheese (optional) its soooooo good with cream cheese!
And VOILA! yummy easy healthy soup!
Even li'l guy liked it!
BISCUITS (recipe I always use, "Big daddy JP's biscuits recipe" from
-2 cups flour
-1 TBS Baking Powder (NOT BAKING SODA!)
-1 TSP salt
-1 TBS sugar
-3/4 cup milk
-Mix 1/3 cup of shortening ( I use margarine or butter)
-slowly add 3/4 cup milk stir with spoon in bowl
-plop on floured surface and fold 15-20 times
DO NOT KNEED or else it wont be will be more like bread
-roll with bread roller no thinner then your pinky finger and cut with cookie cutter
-oven, 425 F. 10-15 mins. until light brown.
To end with a FUNNY STORY!!!!,
My biscuit trade mark is to cut them into heart shapes (that's all I had at the time) and I thought it was cute, so I kept the idea...
I taught my friend how to make biscuit at her house. We thought it would be fun to give her a "biscuit trade mark" as well. She LOVES dogs and she happened to have dog bone shaped cookie cutters. So we were very excited
and diligently waited for her dog bone shaped biscuits to cook. To our surprise, they all looked like deformed *ahem* male body parts... It was HILARIOUS!
Let's just say she stayed with the traditional round shaped biscuits!!
Bonne appétit!
Bonne appétit!