Sunday, 21 May 2017


I have to admit sometimes I'm a bit of a Blog slacker. To be fair I did not have my tablet for about a week and a half due to repairs. (Excuses, excuses...)
The past few weeks have been pretty eventful. Mostly emotionally and I'll tell you why a bit later...

Firstly, my mommy sent this awesome picnic table for Li'l Gal  and Li'l Guy. I put it together and set it up outside as soon as I could!

We love it!

I surprised Jonny boy with a "surprise date". The kids were babysat while we went to a 2.5 hour bee keeping class! We learned a whole bunch of things about bees and one day we want some of our own! Yummy honey......

Cool building eh! It looks like a bee!

My friend Tine asked me if I would teach 26 teen girls how to paint a painting! I took the challenge with delight! 
Tine and I first went to this bridge at "Mount Traber Bible camp" before the class started. The Rapids were soo beautiful! 

I had a lot of fun teaching these girls.

They didn't have any easels so they used these long benches to support the paintings and a stack of chairs for my painting! I thought it was genius!

Here are the results! 
I just love how different everyone's ended up!

The Sante girls duck hatched her ducklings and Li'l Gal was infatuated by them!

Can you tell?!

Now for the second "surprise" (That's how I try to think of it anyway), and to make a long story short, Jonny Boy and I have had our eyes on this house for a few months. And of course it's pretty much sold and we were pretty disappointed. This actually happened 3 times in the last 2 years... I find since we have been trying to sell our house I've been consuming my thought with finding a new home and of course in my head, the homes that we like are all decorated and I know exactly were all our stuff will go once we move in. I enjoy daydreaming about my "Pinterest  DIY crafts" list that I have for the next house. 
This is all good and dandy until I started an emotional roller-coaster mindset because it isn't happening now.
 My focus needs to be first on Jesus, then Jonny, then my children. Not on a house that is not even ours!
All that being said, my sister Shannon challenged me to not look for a house until ours sells! 
That's no fun, BUT, I took the challenge! 
I need to trust that God will have something wonderful for us if we are patient and can wait. It will be a "surprise"... Even if for some reason we have to rent while we find a house I have to use my situations and always seek to put God first. (I sure hope we don't have to move everything twice, but I'm also grateful that my house is not flooded like in my home town, Gatineau :(.  )
I'm not a very patient person. I like things in my timing.  God knows that, and that's probably why it is taking forever to get a bigger house.  I have to learn somehow! Right?!
My mom's advice to me was: "if ever you start thinking too much and becoming overwhelmed by "stuff", GIVE IT ALL TO JESUS! Rebuke it, then give it to jesus."
 I actually have to cut myself off In my though and say, "Stop it and give it to Jesus!"
An other thing shannon said to me was: "worry does not add a day to your life". 

I have pretty wonderful women in my life let me tell yeah! 

Also, this could totally be a placebo effect, but I have been taking these calcium/magnesium/vitamin D vitamins. I heard that they can really help with your focus, having more energy and being less crazy (hehe). I also felt like I was more "normal" while I was "PMS-ing". I find that I do actually feel better and less moody and mean. Weird... Even if it is a placebo effect, I'll take it! I recommend it! It was like 11$ for 360 pills from  Walmart... should,  last me about 6 months...

Until next time, God bless <3