Friday, 17 August 2018

I'm back in the blogging game!

Hello, long time no blog! haha. My Jonny boy bought me a laptop! I have therefore decided to start blogging again. I couldn't stand typing on the tablet I had because it was small and harder to use. It is now the kids "go on the couch and watch Netflix to give mommy and daddy some peace and quiet time for at least one hour please" tablet.

I am not even sure where to start off, it's been so long!!

I will start with where we are in life right now and share some highlights of the Sante summer 2018...

As most of you know I am 30 weeks pregnant with my third baby. And this pregnancy has been quite a roller-coaster. We had decided that (prior to this pregnancy) we would only have two kids, but we tend to be a bit impulsive in this marital relationship. That's what happens when you put two people with ADD together haha. oh well, we even each other out most of the time, thank God... We are very excited for this third and last baby.

I started off my pregnancy pretty sick as were my other two. Nanny came to the rescue once again and stayed at out house to help out with the kids and cleaning until I could regain autonomy again...  She would take the kids on long 2 hour walks so that I could sleep in quiet. And she also landscaped all our front and back yard. I couldn't have paid someone to do a better job! And not to forget all the dishes and laundry she did. What a sweet heart.

My sister and her two daughters and my momma visited in the winter time. Unfortunately we had not enough seating arrangements to go anywhere. and I was also just starting to feel pretty "prego" gross. We were able to spend some quality time though. Which was nice.

Sadly I don't have any pictures of the last 2 visits because I wasn't feeling good enough to take pictures. Oh well. The memories are forever imbedded in my heart. πŸ’“

My mommy and other sister came again to visit us for 2 weeks in the summer. She is also pregnant. Two weeks less then I am! How exciting!
By then, we got a van and went to many places!
Peggy's cove, PEI, Halifax. And more. We had a lot of fun even though I dragged 2 miles behind everyone with my big belly everywhere we went. haha.

All 8 of us (including the unborn babies) at Peggy's cove Nova-Scotia
 Two mama bumps!
 Daddy and Li'l Guy watching waves from the ferry on our way to PEI.
 Li'l Gal being all cute and all, also on the ferry.

After that visit, we had the Belley's  come and visit for a few days. That was also very fun!
Every year we do Christmas in July since we can't all get together in December.
The weather was pretty hot.  I had a hard time coping with the heat and the extra "40lb carry on". I know in the years to come I will be able to enjoy my summers more since I wont be pregnant anymore. God willing.
The Sante's and Belley's reunite! Missing one important member though.. πŸ˜”

Only the coolest family on the planet...

Our last visitors of the summer were some amazing, lovely friends from the beautiful fun filled city of Cornwall Ontario!
That was also a very fun visit!! I did things that a 27 week (at the time) pregnant woman should probably not do! As shown in the pictures below.

Maitland tidal bore mud sliding. Just a few adults playing in an giant pool of Nutella. Why not... (I wish it tastes like Nutella)

Bestest friends you could ask for. I wish they lives closerπŸ˜•. And yes, there is a man behind me. πŸ˜‚ Straight out of Mordor.  

At the waterfalls in North river.  SUCH A BEAUTIFUL PLACE!

 Li'l gal's favorite person apparently.

Although I can be a pretty emotional and still pretty homesick and a cranky/ hormonal pregnant woman. I have to say I am so blessed with my life right now.
For one, I have Jesus.
Two, an AMAZING husband/father. One of a kind.
Three, two Amazing kids that I get to stay home with.
Four, a beautiful home with tons of land.
So much more.
But probably most importantly I have air conditioning and an unlimited supply of coffee. πŸ™Œ

I am hoping to keep blogging every week even if it is only for one person! It's a nice way to unwind. And maybe to encourage other people by knowing that they are not the only people with flip floppy emotions, anxieties, marshmallow brains, messy house and super hyper kids. hehe...

Until next time!! πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

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