Saturday, 27 August 2016

How to clean your house. "for lazy people"

Yes, I said it, LAZY. you could also say; busy, I don't have the time, I'm too distracted, my kids are crazy, I'm too sore, my house is too big, my house is too small, I'm too "heavy", I'm not "heavy" enough (which is my case)...
There are so many things that can hinder our housekeeping to do list. I am writing this to show how important it is to keep it up and also some tips on cleaning quick when you just don't have the time!!! I know there are special cases where its legitimately hard to keep up the cleaning. And that's my purpose for this post.
FIRST, here is a bit about MY cleaning mishaps and how "lazy" I was when I was first married, 5 years ago...(without kids)

This may sound ridiculous to some people, but for others (like me)  you might be able to relate.
"Jello Brain" is what I call it. Its when I feel zombie ish, and cant get a focus. therefore, a whole day can pass and I didn't do a thing!! (how disappointing for husband) It's actually really frustrating and sad and can cause a lot of problems!
"WHY CAN'T I GET A HOLD OF MYSELF AND CLEAN MY HOUSE!!???" And this can go on for years if you don't take steps to make it better.
This also has nothing to do with how my parents brought me up. It was always important for me to have a clean bed room, and do my chores. But one day, when you leave the "nest", you have to become your own responsible adult.
As for me,  I need a step by step list that helps me keep my focus or else I'm all over the map! There are so many types on Pinterest, all very good, but I never found one that suited my needs.  So I made my own!!
I took a nice piece of paper, and black sharpie and simply wrote it down! Then plopped it on my fridge so I can see it all the time.. (I had to make room on my fridge because I had so many pictures..) priorities??...
I encourage you to copy mine or make one that suits you!
Here it is:
I made it pretty simple. There's your daily chores and your weekly chores. PLUS I gave myself Friday, Saturday and Sunday to complete the things I couldn't finish. 

Make bed:
I always try to make my bed as soon as I get out of it!!! Sometimes I go a week or two and fail to do it.  And feel guilty all day. And still don't do it!!! Now that's lazy!

I saw this video of an Admiral talking about making your bed that encouraged me a lot!


Breakfast/Shower/God time:
Now this is very hard to do with kids, unless you wake up before them. (Laughing out loud)... For some people this works. I aspire to be that person one day. For now I sleep.
I also go weeks without reading my bible. (Terrible I know) My trick (when I do read my bible regularly) is to keep my bible study book and bible on the table where I have my Breakfast. And I read one page per day. If I overdo it, I can't keep it up. I need to know myself and have realistic expectations.... I like to read it out loud to numb out the sound of my screaming kids...hehe (they usually are eating with me...)
If I keep my bible study for night time in bed. I ALWAYS fall asleep, or have to re-read my sentence 10 times.

Bathroom sink/ Dishes:
For some reason, having a clean bathroom sink is very
rewarding. I have a (Basmati rice bag)hanging on the side of my vanity filled with baby cloths. (easily accessible for Bath time!) You're probably thinking, "She washed her sink with Windex with the same cloth she washes her kids?!" :O I know, I'm bad. They will just be extra sparkly!! No harm done.

I take one and wash my sink with water. or the Windex that is under the sink. (when I feel inspired to clean my mirror too)... I also have an old used tooth brush that i use to clean around the tap...When I'm HUBER lazy, I wash my sink with my hand or toilette paper and water. Why not, it does the job!!
It's also easier to clean when your cleaning products are close!
ALSO, I found a way to take off the calcium build up around the tap (while I was trying to clean my sink for this picture) hehe... Do what I say, not what I do??? It's so simple and easy, use an S.O.S. PAD!!  

Now for DISHES everyone seems to have a dish washer. I don't. I'm simply primitive. And that's why all those cute housekeeping lists didn't work for me... One day, God (and Jonny boy) willing, I will have one...

For the longest time (and still now) I struggle with
dishes. Put on some awesome old country tunes, grab a glass of rum and coke (I mean, water)... And wash away!!! "Like a boss".

I stack them all pretty beside the sink and go at it! (make sure to do a house tour so your not missing any dirty dishes). When I have a lot, I fill one sink, let it dry. An hour later, put them away. Until they are all gone. Its not doing dishes that is hard, its getting to them that is hard!

Sweep Floors/ De clutter/ Put away clothes:
I used to sweep every day. (my floors are dark, I "have" to) Now (after I came to my senses), I SWAP! Its when you sweep and mop at the same time!!! Here is how its done:

 Put your close away, right away instead of stacking them on the ceder chest at the end of your bed. I struggle A LOT with putting clothes away!!! In my defence, I have a TINY closet, but still... If you have any tips for laundry by all means, comment below! Please!! haha..This is how I organize my laundry, I have my baskets organised (to avoid dirty clothes piles on the floor) I bought 5 baskets from WalMart (not all at once $$$), 10$ each drilled a hole in them and added ribbon to the corresponding colours. And tore 1 rag for the towel bin.

The single daily chores "should" be done with a little more love, time and elbow grease. 
If you can keep up with your every day chores, these "should" be a Breeze. 

If the kids are taking a nap, the last thing I want to do is clean, but then I can't really relax in my head because I know the house is a mess. So let's compromise, one day rest, next clean, next rest, next clean....
If they don't nap anymore. Get them to help you. or just do it while they are playing. 

11 point form tips for house keeping:
  1. Invite people over for tea at least once a week. (if you're like me, I'm embarrasses to show my guests a messy house.)
  2. When you have a giant mountain of clothes on your nicely made bed, ask your husband to help you fold them up as you reminisce about your past. Its a date! How romantic. 
  3. Wash your door trim with pin sol so people think you've been cleaning all day long...(tip from my moms friend) hehehe
  4. Clean only the windows facing road. the ones people can see. (tip from a friends old lady resident)
  5. When you clean your toilette, leave soap bubbles. shows that you've cleaned.
  6. If you're not going to take an hour every morning to do your makeup, like some troopers do, put on some jeans. (for me waring pyjama pants or baggy sweat pants I feel extra lazy and gross!) and brush your hair and teeth.
  7. Make sure to have a home for everything. if you don't it will surely lie around. 
  8. De clutter your house. I just put my beautiful rustic coffee table in the shed. I have a tiny house and don't NEED it there taking up room... One day I'll get it back... but for now. Compromise. 
  9. Set a stop watch when you start and finish a job to put fire under your but.
  10. Do a 15 minute frenzy before your spouse gets home! make it nice for them to walk in the house.. (if you can)
  11. GET OFF YOU PHONE/INTERNET!! Turn it off, Throw is in your room. Lock the door, then, Lock the lock on the door... (note to self)
To sum up, having a clean house definitely lowers your stress level. Especially with "busy" kids that like to get into everything!! 
Remember, when you are stressed out and can't get a focus. Stop, breath, Pray, then look at your fridge housekeeping list and follow it!!

Here are 4 bible verses to encourage you with your housekeeping!

Proverbs 14:1
" The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears it down."

Colossians 3:23
"What ever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."

1 Corinthians 14:41
"But all things should be done decently and in order."

Proverbs 31:17
"She sets about her work vigorously; Her arms are strong for her task."

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