This post is going to be very hard to chew because it asks us women to be humble. To be patient. To be selfless. And it may surprise some of my friends who have no idea this is what I am going through.
"Submitting" to your husband, is a very touchy subject. There are some extremists and then there are some
people who think it is 100% shenanigans, Old Testament stuff...
I, for one, am pretty stubborn, I have a mind of my own and I'm pretty impulsive at times too. These can be all good qualities, but also detrimental if done selfishly.I don't mean to start any arguments. I am writing what I believe and what the Bible says. I am in no way saying I know everything. That being said, this subject is a huge part of my life right now and this is why I'm writing about it.
First of all, in which way does God want us to submit?
Ephesians 5:22-23
Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
God created us all so differently. But the same law applies for everyone. To the strong willed, and to the submissive type, (even to the feminists). Also, every relationship is very different;
- There are the "couch potato" type men who don't think it is their responsibility or just don't care or want to lead their family.
- There are the abusive "submission gone overboard" type men who thinks they can dominate over their wife and she can't say a word.
- And then, there are the men who understand the responsibility that respect and love goes both ways and know the balance between submission and partnership.(Thank God I have the last one!!!!!)
Just in case other people are in the same boat as I am:
This is a bit of my story and I hope it will encourage you.
(By the way, I always have my husband read my blog before publishing to make sure I didn't offend him in any way...)
Jonny boy and I dated for 5 months and were engaged for 8 months before we got married. After one month of marriage we both decided to move to a new province. Being a new wife, I thought it would be a fun new adventure!! He would start working as a paramedic, plus, some of his
family lives there too, so that would make it easier to be so far from my family... I was worried that once we started having children, being away from my family would be difficult. Friends are amazing, but never the same as family. I love Nova-Scotia, with
its ever so friendly culture, I love all my friends, and (as weird as it sounds) I love my doctor too! We built a life here. A good life.
Then came our babies!
To make a long story short, I find it very difficult not being close to my family and my new nieces and nephew. Being able to watch them grow with my children too... I feel torn. How could I leave from this beautiful place that we have
lived for almost 5 years now, and move back!
To some people, it seems like such an easy choice. It isn't for us!
It is also very easy to worry about what everyone thinks. Or the inconvenience and pain that our decision may bring to people.
My job is to follow my husband’s leading.
"Why don't you just move back?”, you ask.
Whatever the reason is, either he feels like a good job opportunity might happen in the future; he feels like this place is the best place to raise a family (for us); Maybe he is not ready to make such a huge sacrifice and to face all the
uncertainties there would be. Or, he might simply not know the answer. Because, face it, being a leader, you don't always know all the answers!
I can give my husband my thoughts and opinions. And he listens and respects them.
But ultimately the final decision is his. And I need to remember that God is above my husband.
"But what if he makes the wrong decision?"
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight."
Even if he does make the "wrong decision", it is our responsibility to back him up and support him. Not nag him until you get what you want. (This can be REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hard to do). We need too sometimes wait, wait and wait then wait
some more for our husbands. And (please excuse my language) Shut up! Be quiet. Stop reminding him every day. (I fail at this really badly) :(
"Man, can this ever be so frustrating!"
An other thing is, I myself might think it is the most logical
choice. I miss my family all the time=Move back! Sometimes being impulsive can block any reasoning. Maybe God knows for a fact that I would be "happier" staying here. Maybe I will become part of something big in leadership, or bless someone who needs it. Maybe homeschooling our children would be easier here close to my sister in-laws who are homeschooling right now too. WHO KNOWS!?! God does...
Perhaps we will move back one day. Not in our timing, but His!
My mother encouraged me by saying, "Sometimes we can be consumed with the idea that we need the change. This is dangerous because we loose sight of the blessings in each moment in each day. It's a good thing God knows our hearts and our thoughts."
An other thing is, I myself might think it is the most logical
choice. I miss my family all the time=Move back! Sometimes being impulsive can block any reasoning. Maybe God knows for a fact that I would be "happier" staying here. Maybe I will become part of something big in leadership, or bless someone who needs it. Maybe homeschooling our children would be easier here close to my sister in-laws who are homeschooling right now too. WHO KNOWS!?! God does...
Perhaps we will move back one day. Not in our timing, but His!
My mother encouraged me by saying, "Sometimes we can be consumed with the idea that we need the change. This is dangerous because we loose sight of the blessings in each moment in each day. It's a good thing God knows our hearts and our thoughts."
I think we need to separate the emotion of what we want and what we need to do as wives.
We also need to step up if we think the decision he is making is really bad or ungodly or unsafe.
Some may even need to seek wisdom from trusted church members or friends.
Prayer is essential. Pray for your man, that God will open his heart and that he will lean on Him for everything. Pray for your family and your future. Pray together all the time. This can be very unnatural for a lot of people. Seek God's will for your lives. But don't be scared to sometimes jump in feet first. God is in control. He knows how to close doors when they need to be closed. And to open them when it is His right timing. Be patient! (note to self)
In His right timing,
May God bless you.
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