Friday, 31 March 2017

Trying new things

In the past two weeks at this Sante home we have tried new things! It was my quest to find the perfect curls for my hair! I started with an upside down French braid bun.

As you can see.. no curls. Just poof. With my snow man nightgown...

Li'l Gal and I tried the Velcro hair curlers that Nanny gave us!  

I did not realise Velcro curlers are for more volumeus  hair and not big curls like I was hoping for. I still love them though...
Li'l Gal quite enjoyed the curls that lasted a total of 15 minutes before she tore them off. And stuck them on Li'l Guys head...

Of course daddy needed some curls too...

Li'l Gal was was pretty happy with herself by putting the rollers in her own hair too! Hehehe...

I needed something to hold my curls while I sleped  (I actually put the curlers in properly in this picture not like in the ones above)
Apparently, at around 2 am I took them all out since my neck was about to die with discomfort. And that is why I don't have a picture of the results...

I then bought sponge rollers from the Dollar store and these were way more comfortable to sleep with and I loved the results! 1.25$/4 rollers. I bought 20 rollers total it came to about 10$...
I watched a youtube video from the link below that explained how to install them properly...

I did not like my over sized scarf turban and didn't want to spend money on an "old lady" hair net so I found other video on youtube (from the other link below) that showed me how to make a hair net with nylons!

It was very easy simply turn a pair of nylons inside out, make a knot under the white crotch part and pull really tightly then cut the legs off. And flip it outside in and VOILA! That kinda sounds bad...
See? fits like a glove!

The sponge rollers were the winners!
Although I don't always have 30 to 40 minutes to install them. (I did it when the kids were in bed) and I'm sure with time I could probably to it with my eyes clothed...

An other thing I tried learning this week is the art of doodling. There are so many ways to doodle, I didn't fully really realise it's and art that you can learn! Maybe I will teach my art class how to doodle once I have mastered it!

This is a picture of Li'l Guys first time sitting in a grocery basket! I'm so sad that he is outgrowing his carseat because he LOVES to sleep in it! On the other hand it's pretty nice that he is growing up because now he is starting to play with Li'l Gal and it's so much fun. (When they are not torturing each other). He has already take a few steps on his own!
He will be turning 1 on  April 19th! Already!

They like to hold hands in the car. Now that's cute.

 Jonny boy made some home made suit (bird feed for the winter time) with the same Ingredients as Nanny used when she made it while she was here.

Bird suit (we used)

2 Tbls shortening
2 Tbls peanut butter
More or less 5 cups of bird feed grain.
This made 4 large tennis sized balls and we stored the rest in the freezer until we need more!

Mix all and make sure it's wet enough to stay in a clump ball. We put it in one of the bags that onion come in and hung it in a tree! The little birds are small enough to pitch on it while the Blue jays whom usually scare the small birds away can not perch on it. Everyone is happy!

Can you see it hanging from the rope on the right of the huge bird feeder? 

My last experiment from the past two weeks has been trying to substitute carbs such as rice, noodle, and bread with vegetables as much as I can! We are so excited to start our garden this year because veggies can be so expensive!  

This one below is mashed cauliflower with 2 Tbls cream, salt, pepper and garlic powder. It was good!

The chicken was also awesome! All I did was add 3 or 4 huge handfuls of baby spinach, 6 garlic cloves and 1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese and cooked it until the spinach was soft. it was delicious!

 This one was sweep potato fries! So good! Salt, pepper, oil, 350 until crispy. It needs to be mixed a few times in the oven...

I also had fish with it. The fish sauce had 1/4 sour cream, 1 TBLS parsley, 2 Tbls melted butter, 1/2 cup white wine (I only had white wine vinegar was good too)  and 1 onion. 350 until fish pulls apart easily. 

                                         So yummy!

This baby was cauliflower rice! Simply grate a fresh cauliflower with a cheese grater, fry it with some oil, add salt, pepper, garlic powder and of course soy sauce it was lovely! There are different recipes on Pinterest, one has lime and cilantro. My sister tried it and said it's really good.

 Last but not least! Breakfast ham with egg omelet! I added what ever veggies I had. Cook 350 for about 15 mins until the eggs are cooked and not slimy! I have done this in the past with bacon,  that is also delicious!

   Easy and healthy!  

I am doing my best to keep busy and enjoy my family. Trying new things is a good way to accomplish that. One day at a time!

Monday, 27 March 2017

Don't be so sensitive! Darlings.

I realize it's not Friday and I usually try to have my posts in by Friday but I had an epiphany. And I wanted to share it with you.

I find some days more than others I can be overly emotional or sensitive to what people say. I have a little blogging Journal that when I have an idea I write it down so that I don't forget what I had in mind. And the other night I was lying down over thinking about what someone had told me that hurt my feelings. 

(I will not say what happened or who said it, and do not be scared or think for a moment that it was you. This is not why I am writing this. It is most likely not you anyway.) And it was such a stupid thing that there was no reason to be offended. And this is why I'm writing this message... By all means don't be scared to talk to me.  I think it is very normal for anyone to be insulted by silly things... please read on... 

Friday, 24 March 2017

Be on top of it

This week has been a bit slower pace. I have some pictures to share of some activities that we did, but I think I will share them in my blog next Friday in a way that will sum up this week and next week.
I feel like I need to share what has been on my heart more then what my activities have been this week.
I find that every so often I have a "Learning week" where for some reason everything seems to be more difficult. Such as, cleaning, making decisions, smiling, being a mom, being a wife not snapping at my children or husband and becoming the Hulk.. I have no clue why this happens. (and this does not involve PMS-ing) I think it's just part of being human. I think it's a reminder that we need to depend on God all the time. When things get hard and when things are easier, we are constantly growing in our relationship with God. ( I guess I did have a clue after all :P ...)

I am not writing these things in order to receive pity from anyone. I am ok. I am learning, and I have more then I could ever need. I just need to practise patience and contentment. That's it.

Friday, 17 March 2017

Blogging is strange..

Here I am, sitting at my kitchen table trying to think back from the last blog I posted. My two children are napping. So I am taking advantage of my time not cleaning, but blogging! I'll clean later hehe

This was them the other day, I just thought it was a cute picture and I wanted to share it!!!